Published by Mason Oldridge, 17 May 2022
It was the art rock sound and Higgs’ vulnerable vocals that initially drew me to EE when I first heard Violet Sun on Radio 1 on my way to pick up my A-Level results in 2020. Raw Data Feel is the electronic-fused follow-up to Re-Animator and it grips from the first technological sounds of Teletype.

The album opens with the four singles which demonstrates how AI influenced the new album as they took a new approach in an attempt to distance themselves from being political and doomy.
Jennifer focuses on a woman trapped in a miserable life and utilises Higg’s falsetto and vocal range. Leviathan is a nice mid-album reduction in pace before the epic sounds of Shark Week, a song as interesting as the title suggests, whereas Cut UP! opens on an 80s sound before Higg’s this time harsh vocals brutally drag it into the 21st century, complimenting each other in what is the highlight of the album.
This album is fantastic from start to finish as lengthy epic Software Greatman concludes the record. Overall, there is not one bad song and EE deserve far more recognition than they get.